Can I Use a Water Flosser If I Have a Cavity?

 Cavities in the early and middle stages are painless and difficult to detect, so many people mistakenly think that their teeth are healthy.

Can I use a water flosser if I have cavities or tooth decay? In fact, this question depends on many factors. After reading this article, you will get a certain answer to this question and learn the water flosser benefits!Binicare cordless water flossers

What are the causes of cavities?

Excessive intake of foods high in sugar and acid

The key reason is that if people often eat sweets, biscuits, cakes, and other foods, they are prone to cavities. These foods contain high sugar content and are sticky and soft. These food residues will adhere to the teeth, especially hidden in places where the toothbrush is not easy to clean. The bacteria in the teeth will use these foods to produce acid and attack the teeth.

Not using an electric toothbrush and water flosser

In order to prevent cavities, it is best to use an electric toothbrush. There is a big difference in cleaning effect between an electric toothbrush and a manual toothbrush. The high-incidence areas of cavities are usually the parts that are difficult for us to clean, and it is difficult for a manual toothbrush to clean deep between teeth.

The electric toothbrush has a stable vibration frequency and strong cleaning ability. It is recommended to use it in combination with an electric toothbrush and the best flossers for braces, which can greatly improve the cleaning power and efficiency of the dead corners of the teeth. In addition, it can significantly whiten teeth, freshen breath and eliminate bad breath!Binicare cordless water flossers

Not checking cavities in time

There is also a process of cavities from white and complete to black and yellow cavities, so we must check more often. It will be better to do oral examinations every six months for early detection and treatment.

Insufficient brushing frequency

Correctly use the bus brushing method, that is, brush your teeth vertically, so that the bristles go deep into the gaps between the teeth so that the cleaning is more in place. Use dental floss when necessary. Dental floss can effectively remove plaque between teeth.

The toothbrush was not replaced regularly

How often should you change electric toothbrush head? The toothbrush head must be replaced once every three months, otherwise, the toothbrush will be more abrasive. After using the toothbrush for more than three months, the brush head will appear frizzy, the cleaning power will decrease, and the prevalence of cavities will increase. Therefore, it is recommended that you change your toothbrush regularly.

The benefits of using water flossers for people with cavities

Is water flossing better than string flossing? The water flosser has better cleaning power, it can make up for the cleaning blind spots and dead corners of the string flossing. In addition, it has better cleaning power in some detailed teeth gaps, inside teeth, crowns, and other parts that cannot be cleaned well by manual toothbrushes.

A portable water flosser has delicate and impactful water flow, which can penetrate deep into the blind areas of the toothbrush such as the gaps in the teeth for rinsing. So, as we know, a water flosser significantly increases the preventive effect of cavities. In addition, it also improves the cleaning power of holes and pits.

It is very difficult for a toothbrush to clean the cavity thoroughly, and it is very easy to hide food residues, dental bacteria, etc. If the cavity of the cavity is not cleaned all year round, it is very easy to cause the deterioration and severity of the cavity.

At the same time, the water flosser can also keep the breath fresh. Moreover, it can also whiten the teeth, and massage the gums to relieve gingivitis and periodontitis.

The cordless water flosser is easier to take even if you’re traveling. It’s easy to ignore your oral care during your traveling or business trip. Especially if you have cavities, the condition will be worse. Fortunately, the travel water flosser is your ideal partner when you are on a trip due to its convenience.Binicare cordless water flossers are your ideal travel partners

Experiments by many authoritative oral institutions have shown that the use of water flossers combined with toothbrushes can greatly improve the prevention of cavities and alleviate the deterioration of cavities.

Under what situations are people with cavities suitable for water flossers?

  • Generally, water flossers can be used for mild to moderate cavities. However, for a small number of people with severe cavities, it is not recommended to use water flossers. The symptoms of severe cavities are basically symptoms such as severe pain and even loose teeth. In this case, you need to seek medical treatment in time.
  • It is suitable for use between the ages of 10 and 70. Generally, if children have cavities, it is not recommended to use them, and the same is true for the elderly. Because the tooth tolerance is low, the teeth and gums are sensitive and fragile.
  • If cavities are accompanied by tooth sensitivity, it depends on the situation, try to use it with anti-sensitivity toothpaste and anti-sensitivity mouthwash.

Final Thoughts

For people with cavities, the best water flosser for teeth can take better care of their teeth than a manual toothbrush. As you water floss daily, the severity of dental caries will not worsen and prevent the induction of cavities. However, it should also be noted that not all caries can use water flossers. Reasonable and scientific choices must be made at the same time!

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