Can a Water Flosser be Effective in Preventing Periodontal Disease?


Brushing your teeth with a manual toothbrush alone cannot effectively prevent periodontal disease. Fortunately, using oral care water flosser together can reach areas of your teeth that manual toothbrushes cannot reach.

When you have periodontal disease, it means the tissue that protects your enamel becomes contaminated, which can lead to loose teeth. It’s essential to learn how to prevent and treat periodontal

Causes Of Periodontal Disease

Periodontitis is a common oral disease and one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. It is also a major oral disease that endangers human teeth and systemic health. There are many factors that lead to periodontal disease, the most important factor is the accumulation of bacteria and plaque.

When bacteria sit on teeth for a long time, they form a thin film called plaque, which eventually hardens into tartar. Using the best oral irrigator is a scientific way to stop the formation of bacteria and plaque. The following are other factors that lead to periodontal disease:

  • If your parents or grandparents had periodontal disease, it is likely to be passed on to you, and it is unavoidable.
  • When you have an unhealthy lifestyle, such as not brushing regularly, this can cause your teeth to develop bacteria.
  • A low-nutrient diet can leave your body deficient in vitamins that fight bacteria.
  • If you brush your teeth incorrectly, you can easily damage your teeth. To reduce tooth wear, be sure to buy the best water flosser for teeth.
  • Many people have a partial chewing habit when eating, which refers to chewing food with only one side of the teeth. This will cause a large amount of plaque and calculus to accumulate on the surface.
  • Some people are prone to teeth grinding at night, which can lead to severe tooth wear and also increase the burden on periodontal tissue, resulting in food impaction.

When people suffer from periodontal disease, it will not only cause damage to teeth and surrounding tissues, but more importantly, periodontal disease will also cause many systemic diseases. Therefore, you should make sure to accept treatment and take care of your teeth as early as possible once you have periodontal disease.water-flossers-for-braces

Main Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease

How can you tell if you have periodontal disease? First of all, it must be regular oral examinations in regular dental hospitals to detect and treat diseases early. The second is to observe your oral health frequently in your daily life.

Since water flossers removes tartar, daily water flossing is a good choice. The following main symptoms of periodontal disease can help you check whether you have periodontal disease.

Bleeding gums

The most obvious symptom of periodontal disease in the early stage is bleeding gums, especially when you brush your teeth in the morning.

Most periodontal diseases are related to dental calculus or other impurities between the teeth, so it is necessary to clean the food residue between the teeth with the water flosser solution. This irritation is not obvious during the day due to the constant swallowing and chewing. But after a night of no chewing, when you brush your teeth in the morning, they will bleed due to irritation.

Periodontal redness, swelling, and pain

After periodontal disease occurs, the more obvious symptom is redness and swelling. Of course, some patients show pain but no redness or swelling. In fact, this is the manifestation of two kinds of periodontal diseases.

There will be no obvious redness and swelling when the alveolar bone is inflamed, but the pain is very strong. When the periodontal ligament is inflamed, it will show redness, swelling, and pain.

Loose teeth

Most people with periodontal disease will have shaking and loose teeth. If it is not treated effectively for a long time, not only the teeth will fall out, but also the gums will shrink. People's periodontal health is not healthy, and the ability to chew will also be affected. Some patients may experience symptoms of chewing weakness or pain.

Bad breath

There are many causes of bad breath, among which periodontal disease is an important one. Periodontal disease causes gum bleeding, tissue inflammation, and pathogenic bacteria to produce metabolites that can cause bad breath.

Tips For Preventing Periodontal Disease

The nursing and prevention methods of periodontal disease are generally the same, all of which is to delay the formation and development of dental plaque by adjusting the lifestyle and ensuring oral hygiene. The following are some tips for preventing periodontal disease.

The correct oral cleaning method

The correct oral care cleaning method can not only clean the teeth and reduce plaque, but also massage the gums, promote the health of the gums, increase resistance, and make the teeth grow stronger.

  • The basic method of self-plaque control is tooth brushing, advocated the pasteurized tooth brushing method, and needs to be combined with the cleaning of the adjacent surfaces of the teeth.
  • Flossing and the best water flosser cordless can be selected for those with obvious gingival papilla recession.
  • In addition to brushing teeth, dental floss should also be used for teeth with braces, crown restorations, and root furcation lesions that penetrate and are exposed.

Regular flossing

Flossing is one of the effective ways to prevent periodontal disease. Flossing and tooth brushing cannot replace each other, because we cannot remove plaque and calculus on the surface of teeth through usual brushing, but water flosser can.

  • A water flosser is a tool that uses pulsed water impacts to clean teeth and interdental spaces.
  • The water flosser has a high-pressure water flow that can massage the gums.
  • People who wear braces must use a water flosser for brace to clean the blind area around the aligner more thoroughly.

Watch out for early signs of periodontal disease

If the gums bleed when you brush your teeth or eat, you should pay attention to it as soon as possible, because this is a sign of periodontal inflammation.

You should go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible to check whether there is dental calculus under the gums and the gingival recession.

Visit your dentist regularly

Because many dental diseases are not easy to be discovered, the best treatment period has been missed by the time they are discovered. Just like periodontal disease and caries, there is no obvious discomfort in the early stage, so it is difficult to be detected. If detected early during regular visiting your dentist, permanent damage to teeth can be avoided.

  • Regular and thorough periodontal examinations are performed, and re-examinations are performed every 3 months after treatment.
  • Those with good periodontal conditions can undergo routine examinations at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year after treatment.
  • If there is a periodontal abnormality within 1 year, check every six months to one year.

Good Eating Habits

Teeth enable us to enjoy a variety of food! Healthy teeth allow us to chew hard food, meat, raw food, and fruit without any scruples. Dental hygiene isn't the only way to have healthy and beautiful teeth. Eating habits also play a role that cannot be ignored. Here are some suggestions that can help you have a beautiful smile.

  • Vegetables, coarse grains, and fruits are very beneficial to teeth.
  • Meat, eggs, and milk are high in calcium making teeth stronger.
  • At the same time, avoid eating too many sweets.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks.
  • Clean teeth after meals.

The Value Of Preventing Periodontal Disease With A Water Flosser

Can a water flosser remove tartar? Dentists recommend using a water flosser, because it uses pressurized water to rinse the gaps between the teeth and the gingival sulcus and clean these places that are very easy to hide dental bacteria. These areas are more difficult for toothbrushes to clean because the bristles of toothbrushes are difficult to penetrate deep into the gaps, gingival sulcus, and tooth sockets for cleaning.

  • The pressure water column can not only clean all kinds of crevices, holes, and uneven surfaces but also achieve microscopic thorough cleaning instead of macroscopic tough
  • In addition to the function of cleaning the teeth and mouth, the water flow also has a massage effect on the gums.
  • Promote the blood circulation of the gums and enhance the disease resistance of local tissues.
  • Massaging your gums with a water flosser may also help stimulate the growth of new cells.
  • A water flosser does a good job of removing bacteria on your teeth, and in many cases, it works better than traditional flossing.
  • Also eliminates bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene.

Final Thoughts

Oral health has always been a topic of great concern to people, but we often encounter some oral problems in our lives, such as periodontitis, a common disease. Fortunately, we have learned the steps to effectively prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. 

Establishing a good personal hygiene routine, cleaning areas that cannot be reached by a toothbrush with the Binicare water flosser, insisting on brushing your teeth twice a day, and rinsing your mouth after meals are the easiest and best prevention methods.

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