Can a Water Flosser Remove Plaque and Tartar?


Food is one of the most important needs of man and we really cannot do without eating. Food consumed leaves particles that stick to the mouth to form plaque. Plaques contain bacteria and harmful microorganisms that are harmful to the gum and teeth. This bacteria would cause bad breath and tooth decay due to the acidic content released. 

The need to remove the food particles before they develop into plaque and tartar is a great concern since the use of a toothbrush hasn't been effective in removing all the food particles, especially in tight teeth areas.

Give apt attention to your teeth by brushing properly and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. The use of advanced cordless flossers has raised questions on weighing the possibilities of how effective a water flosser can be in removing Plaque and Tartar. In this article, you will learn about how effective a water flosser is and how to use it in Tartar, and plaque removal.


What Are Plaque and Tartar?

The teeth infected with bacteria and microorganisms can be caused by food particles left in the mouth uncleaned. These food particles are from thin layers consisting of bacteria known as Plaque. This formation occurs when we consume different kinds of food without getting rid of the particles or debris in the mouth. These food items release acidic content into the mouth which may lead to gum diseases in the mouth when stored for a long time. Plaque could also be formed inside the teeth or the upper coat of the mouth. 

Tartars are formed once plaque hardens. Tartar is causes of teeth sensitivity, bleeding of the gum, or weakness of the teeth may result in eventually losing the teeth. Every gum is a result of plaque development which may cause gum decay.  The sickness of Tartar cannot be easily removed by a toothbrush. Plaque removal can get to a stage where it is almost taking the shape of Tartar or has become Tartar, it would require a dentist's assistance to be able to remove it.

Effects of Tartar Buildup in the Teeth.

The buildup of plaque and tartar in the teeth and gum could result in loss of the teeth as well as a periodontal disease if removed immediately.

  1. Tartar can lead to tooth weakening which could eventually lead to decay of the teeth. 
  2. Tartar results in Gum bleeding and swelling due to the inflammation caused by the toxins released by the bacteria. 
  3. Tartar causes sensitivity in the gum to hot or cold edible substances consumed. 
  4. Tartar could result in loss of teeth as well as periodontal diseases if not treated for a long time. 
  5. The development of Bad breath could as a result of the presence of bacteria that causes bad breath hidden in the Tartar. This organism is in high density hidden within the Tartar.

Can a Water Flosser Remove Plaque and Tartar? 

Plaque can be removed effectively with the use of a water flosser. Although you would still need to visit a professional dentist to help you remove hardened tartar. Water flosser can penetrate through your teeth and gum to remove stuck food particles and plaques that may be difficult to remove with a toothbrush. The forceful removal of plaque sometimes results in bleeding and harm to sensitive gum which may lead to the penetration and development of diseases in the gum and teeth. 

The use of a water flosser has also proven to be more efficient than string closer in reducing gum bleeding and gum gingivitis. 

How Effective Is a Water Flosser in Plaque Removal than Toothbrushes? 

Before the intervention of a water flosser, the use of toothbrushes has been very helpful in plaque removal. Food particles in tight teeth and teeth with braces or crowned are difficult to clean with a toothbrush, unlike the water flosser. The water flosser penetrates difficult areas to clean the teeth perfectly and leave them healthy. 

How to Use a Water Flosser for Plaque Removal? 

A water flosser needs to be clean and ready to use in removing plaque, and food particles. It is filled with warm water which is purified and contains ions required to keep your gum and to kill every germs and bacteria. The pressure of the water can be controlled to your satisfaction by flossing your teethMove the cordless water flosser to endure the water flowing through every part of your mouth and teeth for proper debris and Plaque removal. To avoid making a mess, it is advisable to lean over the sink and continue the process.

How Does Water Flosser Work in Removing Plaques and Tartar?

The cordless water flosser is enabled to move in any direction of the mouth it is taken. This makes it easier for the warm water which comes out of the water flosser tip to penetrate the gums and to floss tight teeth. The pressurized water flows to flush out every food particle in the teeth and gum thereby keeping them healthy. The process is done for at least 20 minutes to ensure there is no leftover in the mouth. Plaques are forcefully removed by the water and are softened to it's for development into Tartar. 

How does Water Flosser Prevent the Buildup of Tartar? 

Water flosser cannot remove a hardened Tartar from the teeth and this would require professional help but you can prevent the buildup. You need to pay attention to your oral health and follow through with h the routine every day. It is recommended by the dentist to brush your teeth twice daily as well as floss your teeth. You can decide to floss before or after mouthwash daily to keep your teeth and gum free from food particles that may stick to the mouth after eating. 

How to clean water flosser? 

It is advisable to clean up your water flosser to avoid any contamination that might your teeth and gum when using it. Water in the reservoir should be emptied when not in use and the reservoir should be kept clean. The water flosser tip should be neat so as prevent the entrance of diseases into the mouth. The internal part should be washed with warm water and white vinegar. Put the water flosser in a good and neat environment.


A good habit would save your lifetime of regrets. Keeping good oral hygiene would help you prevent Gum diseases that threaten your accumulation of the food residue in your mouth can be of great effect and therefore a quick removal would be advisable. Even though brushing has been effective over time, the total cleanup hasn't been possible over time but with flossing, you can. Water flossing would help prevent the hardening of plaque by quickly stopping every it has to develop. You don't want to stay a day with flossing.


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