
Showing posts with the label fashion

What Kind of People Are Water Flossers Suitable for?

 What kind of people are water flossers suitable for? If you don’t understand this first, and then you find out that you are not suitable for water flossers after you buy them, I’m sure everyone will become angry from embarrassed. Here Is a List of People Who are Suitable for Using Water Flossers: People with good oral health: This group has a higher overall oral quality and easier care. Using a water flosser can help them complete daily cleaning and care, and make up for areas with a high incidence of dental diseases such as gingival sulcus and gaps that cannot be cleaned by toothbrushes. It can also effectively  remove dental plaque from teeth , thereby keeping the oral cavity in a healthy state. People with braces: The  water flosser for braces  can clean the narrow gaps caused by the braces, relieve the pressure on the gums brought by the braces, and assist orthodontic people to complete daily cleaning. Patients with gingivitis, dental implants, and mild and moder

Is a Water Flosser Effective for Tonsil Stones?

 When you hear the term stone in relation to a health problem, you probably immediately think of kidney stones. However, another type of stone that people often never hear about until their dentist explains the condition is tonsil stones. Don't worry, this article will let you know why you might get tonsil stones and what  oral hygiene products  you can use to prevent them from happening again. Signs You May Have Tonsil Stones Tonsil stones are hard and look like white or yellowish stones on the tonsils. Usually, tonsil stones cause no symptoms. When symptoms occur, they include: Persistent  bad breath white or yellow structures on the tonsils sore throat swollen tonsils hard to swallow cough Chronic tonsil infection/inflammation What Cause Tonsil Stones? Tonsil stones form when bacteria and other debris become trapped in the tiny crevices in the tonsils. The tonsils are two small tissues at the back of the throat, one on each sid