7 Mistakes To Avoid When Brushing Your Teeth
Although brushing our teeth is something we often do in our daily oral care, incorrect brushing methods can cause oral diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. Only the correct brushing methods can protect teeth and reduce damage to teeth. Want to know how to avoid mistakes when brushing and how often should you replace your electric toothbrush heads ? This blog post summarizes some common misunderstandings about brushing your teeth and teaches you the correct way to brush your teeth. 7 Common Mistakes When Brushing Your Teeth Brushing your teeth incorrectly Many people brush their teeth vigorously by pulling the toothbrush back and forth horizontally. However, it is wrong to brush your teeth in this way. After the wedge-shaped defect occurs, the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold stimulation and has food residues. Severe caries can lead to exposure of the tooth nerve, stimulate pulpitis, and can cause a tooth fracture. When brushing your te...